Friday, January 15, 2010

Are we so called well educated people are really secular?

I read one article today about india better then pakistan,i am sure it was written in some lighter vain and not surely to provoke an ugly discussion of who is best.

But after reading some filthy comments by probably well educated people, my perception "that education system has demonized the discrimination based on region and religion" has changed.

I had been taught not to hate people just because they are different,and surely same would have been inculcated in them too.But still they failed to show respect in the lawlessness of internet.Certainly the case would have been different with them facing each other,but off course internet is always known to bring demons out of people.

It's true that, if i would say "i am a secular person",then i am lying.
surely i don't want to heart any religious minority but i feel safe in a country of Hindu majority.That's because somewhere in my heart of hearts i feel that Hindus are liberal then Muslims.And i will blame news channels and different media for this opinion building.
But media also made us aware of 1992,Godra(2002) to name a few.It made us aware how a state sponsored a brutal massacre of it's own people,how religion was politicized for gain as feeble as "wining an election" by risking the social fiber of a country.
So media can't be blamed alone.Then what is the reason for such unsecular thought?

I think the answer is simple "i don't know pakistanis.",all i had heard about them is bad(bad governance,suicide bomber,Taliban,attack on cricketers,ISI,No freedom to women etc.)

I know that most of the people are good,but i don't know the good people,I have never visited to Pakistan and all my knowledge about it,is limited to News feeds.And all this repeated bad news and ignorance about Pakistani people had resulted into a short of insecurity about Pakistan and it's religion demography.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back again with 2nd post on voyage to my thoughts.

A lot has happened since i posted my blog last.Yea,a great deal of things to tell (..tell who? nobody is listening.).Now this is some thought yaar but some day i know some day some one special will listen and yes, the real purpose of this blog is to connect to that special one.

You can argue "if you want to get ur special one,you have to try and talk to girl u think are meant for u (go for girl hunting man) .And by the way this is not a very efficient way of getting ur girl.You surely get a sour ass but not a soul mate by siting in front of a computer. "

Yes, i agree this is not an effective medium to find a girl of my dreams.But i believe and know that i will find her.

But why did i choose blogs to get to my girl?

Good question! There are mainly two reasons to do so.

First I am such a wimp that whenever i think of talking to a girl it gives me goosebumps.I am so busy in carrying myself well in front of them,that it don't give me a chance of intellective interaction. I would be so busy in impressing them and getting there attention that it doesn't give me a chance of knowing them better. And blogging solved both of my problems.I don't have to be self-conscious while sitting in front of computer(..It also saves dating bills :) ) and importantly i can communicate myself better.

Last and most important in physical world we are genetically programmed(GP) to get attracted towards good looking girls.Looks are first thing any one notice, it's all about lust initially(yea, you r right i don't believe in love at first site) . And that way people miss out on girls who can understand them better and make a good life partner.Well I don't want to commit that mistake.

I know it's not easy to imagine yourself with some one not so attractive(By GP standards) and many of you feel that "what a cheat he is", it's just another trick to get attention.

well, yea it is. I told you before this whole blog thing is about reaching to that special one. And that special one for me would be the one who makes me feel strong when the odds are not good, the one who make me realize my real potential, the one with whom i will explore the real power of love to make this world a more beauty full place.("It sound's so bookish to be true dear!!" yea i will come to it later.)

Now you tell me,if i can have all this in one girl then does it matter to me how she looks ;)

Ah,so much of pep talk (we can do away with that) .This internet is full of all such kind of Romeo shit. well U r right, but i know i will surely find that rarest treasure.So watch out for my next post.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A voyage to my thougts.

I will try to be very truthful and unpartial while giving a detailed account of my day's thoughts.
Now as my 1 weak long holidays are geting over today,I was not feeling quit energetic common thing.Since morning i was in worry of geting some of my assignments done.
But telling you the truth I don't like such kind of work.You may argue "how will you learn then",
Yes,you are right but unfortunatly in our collage assignments are not given to you for learning but they are given because they are part of curriculum.
(You can't consider writing some topics from book an assignment.)
Ok just drop it.

(you may find this post not well arranged and if truth to be told I am posting to make my thoughts well arranged and presentable.)

I have something important to share, today i read one survey by chennai times about who is not interested in voting.
46% said they are not interested in voting and tried to justify there stand by comments like"I have no faith in system and my vote is not going to bring any change to politics".
Now this is a common thought most of us have grown up listening to such stuff about politics.
But how people are so short sited and non thoughtful,that they can't even appriciate a functioning of a democracy.
I think they needed a pakistan kind of envirnment and then they will understand what is a power of a vote in a democratic country.